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Monday, May 26, 2008

If You Are Reading This

It is vital that we take time to remember those who have died for our security and freedom in this nation. To enjoy the liberties we have as a nation requires that we remember.

As we remember, let us also remember that it is the embracing of the Gospel of grace that determines if a man or woman goes to heaven. The only thing that secures a person’s eternity with God is because they have, through God’s grace, embraced the Gospel. They have bowed their knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, seen their need for a Savior because of their offending God because of their sins, believed Jesus suffered God’s wrath in their place on the cross, died and was raised from the dead.

Listen to Tim McGraw’s song, If You Are Reading This, and remember the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Remember also, our responsibility to take the Gospel to those who protect our freedom and their families.

Dear Father, as we give you thanks for the lives given for our freedom, we pray for Your comfort upon the families; may You be their light and salvation. May we extend to them Your love and the hope that is found through Your Son Jesus Christ. Bless and direct our Commander and Chief George Bush, lead our troops in their fight for freedom in Iraq and in Afghanistan. I ask Lord, that more than anything, that we’d remember You, whether on the war front, store front or home front, let us remember You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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