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Monday, June 30, 2008

Arguing for Heterosexual Marriages Only

I saw on the news and read about where John McCain recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. DeGeneres asked McCain why he did not support same-sex “marriages”. She argued that those who oppose same-sex “marriages” were like those who once opposed giving the vote to women and blacks.

McCain's response? "I just believe in the status of a marriage between a man and a woman . . . We just have a disagreement."

What could have been said in response to DeGeneres’ argument for same-sex “marriages”? Is there a better response? Yes there is.

First, one could argue that societies through out the ages have sought to define marriage as between a woman and a man because in doing so they were protecting the institution of the family. As a society our view of marriage, that it is inherently heterosexual, monogamous, and permanent between one man and one woman is based on a Biblical and a natural law view of creation.

Second, the reason it is defined between a man and a woman is because it is only between a man and a woman that reproduction has the potential to occur. That defines marriage within the natural order as God created it.

One very likely response from those supporting same-sex marriages would be something like this, “Okay, that's your definition of marriage. But why should your views be imposed on everybody else?"

This question gives way to my last point. If marriage is not defined between a man and a woman as understood based on Biblical revelation and natural law as evidenced in creation and the conclusion of reason thoughtful history, then who’s to say that marriage should be limited to just one adult and another adult; how about between a man and a teenage girl or an adult and a teenager; a mother and a son (1 Corinthians 5); a brother and a sister; or a man and two other women? I think you get the point; the list could go on and on from one perversion to another.

If one buys into the argument of “Why should you impose your views of right and wrong upon me or anybody else” then the logical outcome of such thinking is not only limited to marriage but to the breakdown of all moral and ethical bounds. The result will lead to lawlessness and anarchy.

The Bible declares God as the creator of the world we live in. With that creation, not only has God been evidenced naturally in His creation but God’s divine order related to man and woman has been evidenced. But man rejected that divine order as it says in Romans 1:19-32 (please refer to see passage for context).

It is not only those who argue for same-sex marriages who have forsaken God and His order in creation, but people like me and you who are all in need or being restored in our relationship with Holy God. In Romans 1:30, those who are “disobedient to parents” are all in the same circumstance as those who have exchanged God’s natural order for marriage for that which is not natural.

I, we are all in a “heap of trouble”. Our only way of escaping God’s wrath is though faith in Jesus Christ, accepting His substitutionary atonement on the cross for the wrath of God we deserve (Rom 3:21-26; 4:13-25; 5:1, 9-11, 17-21; 10:9-10, 13; 11:32-36).

If you have never availed yourself of the mercy and grace offered through Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross from God’s wrath, I beg you, repent of your sins and place your faith and hope in Jesus, call upon His name and be saved!

With confident hope in the mercy and grace of God for all who turn to Christ, for the glory of God,
P.S. - For a more expanded comment on the primacy of marriage between one man and one woman please refer to the following links:
Full Citizens at Last? Who is Next?

Generational Shift and Denominational Life [Initial comments on marriage during radio program]

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