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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Election & The Supreme Court by Kelly Boggs

Many hot button issues will be debated in the forthcoming presidential campaign. Among the hottest topics likely will be the war against terrorism, rising energy costs and the softening American economy. Many voters, however, will be oblivious to perhaps the most searing issue -– the likely appointment of one or more Supreme Court justices.

Supreme Court justices, once confirmed, are appointed for life. Hence, their influence over American society and its laws can span more than three decades. Long after a president leaves office, his appointee(s) will be rendering decisions that will impact the life and liberty of all Americans.

(For example, President Ford left office more than 30 years ago, but one of his nominees, John Paul Stevens, remains on the court.)

More times than not, a Supreme Court nominee will possess ideological and philosophical views that closely mirror those of the president making the appointment. Hence, a president with a more liberal view of the Constitution will usually nominate a like-minded jurist. A president with a conservative or constructionist view of our nation's guiding document will be more likely to favor an individual with the same understanding.

A recent Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment illustrates just how significant a president's appoints can be.

In June, the Supreme Court ruled that individual Americans do have the right to own guns. The decision overturned a Washington D.C. law that banned private handgun possession.

What I found most interesting about the decision was that it was a 5-4 ruling, meaning that four of the justices were more than willing to uphold the law. Two of the judges that voted to uphold gun ownership were recent appointments -- Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito -- made by President Bush.

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