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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Glory In The Highest

What a wonderful day when the multitude of angelic host gathered to lift their voices in praise to God at the coming of the Messiah (Luke 2:13-14). Likewise, what a privilege we have to join in and announce to our world and all creation, "Glory in the highest!"

And when we take time to look about at God's handiwork in His creation and to see that all of creation declares the glory of God (Psalms 19:1-3), the redeemed of the Lord can not help but be compelled to join in and to sing God's glorious praises.

But the greatest inspiration for giving glory to God is found in the cross of Christ; for those who are redeemed, have by the mercy and grace of God been chosen to sing praises to the Lamb of God who was slain (Revelation 5:12). As we lift our hearts in praise to the Lamb, and we value the work of Christ upon the cross for our forgiveness and the propitiation (wrath bearer) of our sins, we are indeed amazed by God's grace!

Though we praise God and give Him glory because He alone is worthy of praise, there is great personal benefit in giving God praise. The Bible says that Abraham "grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he (God) had promised". (Romans 4:18-21 ESV) Likewise, we can grow strong in our faith through exercising praise and adoration to God.

I hope you will take time to sing along with the attached video below and sing "Glory in the Highest" and may you be strengthened in your faith as you give glory to God.

Glory In The Highest by Chris Tomlin

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