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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Brief Definition of the Trinity by James White

The past couple of Sundays I have been preaching passages that relate to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. I have sought to give some brief explanation to the doctrine of the Trinity. Quiet frankly, the doctrine of the Trinity is challenging to convey. Below is a "A Brief Definition of the Trinity" by James White that will give a better explanation of the Trinity than I have been able to give thus far.
A Brief Definition of the Trinity by James White

I know that one of the most oft-repeated questions I have dealt with is, "How does one explain, or even understand, the doctrine of the Trinity?" Indeed, few topics are made such a football by various groups that, normally, claim to be the "only" real religion, and who prey upon Christians as "convert fodder." Be that as it may, when the Christian is faced with a question regarding the Trinity, how might it best be explained?

For me, I know that simplifying the doctrine to its most basic elements has been very important and very useful. When we reduce the discussion to the three clear Biblical teachings that underlie the Trinity, we can move our discussion from the abstract to the concrete Biblical data, and can help those involved in false religions to recognize which of the Biblical teachings it is denying.

We must first remember that very few have a good idea of what the Trinity is in the first place - hence, accuracy in definition will be very important. The doctrine of the Trinity is simply that there is one eternal being of God - indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
The remainder of the article is a very concise explanation of the Trinity and I suggest that you click here to read it.

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