My Mother was a wonderful Christian lady. I could spend hours talking about all the good things that she has done. One of the greatest things she has done is to find grace and strength to graciously love me, for I am not always easy to love. I am so thankful that God chose me to have such a wonderful Mother in Peggy Bracken.
One thing I want to clearly state: My Mother being able to stand in the presence of the Lord has nothing to do with her being a good lady or a "saint". Her hope, as is my hope and hopefully yours, is in "Jesus' blood and righteousness" (On Christ The Solid Rock, Edward Mote, 1797-1874).
I love what John Newton, at age 82, said, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things, that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour."
Many things will be remembered over the coming days concerning my Mother. We will relive the memories, laugh and cry, honor her and remember that she, by God's grace, stands in the presence of God because Jesus died in her place granting to her salvation by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9).
Funerals that are done for people who have lived for Christ, trusting in His substitutionary death for their salvation, often unwittingly communicate a works false gospel (salvation merited or earned). We end up bragging on this person saying things like “If they can’t make it to heaven, then none of us have a chance”. The Gospel truth is that none of us have a chance. When the disciples were astonished that the rich young ruler was not good enough to enter into heaven they asked Jesus about it and this is what was said:
“When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’ Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Mat 19:25-26 NIV)
It is impossible for us to save ourselves, only God can save us. Our sin and offense was so great, that no man could atone for it. Only God could reconcile us to Himself. He alone is the hope of our salvation.
As we eulogize my Mother, may we celebrate the life she has lived as a gift from God. May we remember her and honor her. More than anything, may we celebrate the God who saved her from eternal condemnation and saved her to be with himself for eternity (And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. [John 14:3 KJV]).
Before Holy God, we are all great sinners in desperate need of the GREAT SAVIOUR – JESUS CHRIST.
With gratitude to God for His great merciful saving work for sinners,
Proudly Peggy Bracken's son, John
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